Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse DP - Lord Puttnam CollectionDP - Lord Puttnam Collection
Collapse 1 - Author and critic1 - Author and critic
1 - Article written for the Hollywood Reporter
2 - Untitled article
3 - British cinema
4 - Article about the British film industry
5 - Preface - David Puttnam
6 - Foreword written by David Puttnam
7 - Foreword to Cannes catalogue
8 - Film-maker in Wonderland
9 - Cornel Lucas - foreword
10 - Contribution to Save the Earth by Jonathon Porritt
11 - Ian Beesley - an introduction
12 - Introduction to a book by Denis Waugh
13 - Budgets and Markets - a forword by Sir David Puttnam C.B.E.
14 - Extract from Education and the New Technologies
15 - Foreword to Complete Surrender by Sir David Puttnam
Expand 16 - Review of David Lean - A biography by Kevin Brownlow16 - Review of David Lean - A biography by Kevin Brownlow
17 - The Creative Imagination
18 - Hands Off the Countryside by David Puttnam
Expand 19 - Dirk Bogarde article by David Puttnam19 - Dirk Bogarde article by David Puttnam
20 - Patron saints or sinners by David Puttnam
21 - Patrons hold the key to freedom
Expand 22 - Green Belt article22 - Green Belt article
23 - A Vision of Broadcasting
24 - Note prepared by David Puttnam for the Campaign Press Awards Programme
25 - Advertising Increasingly Defines the Consumer and Not the Product
26 - Creative Cocktail
27 - Give Television a Commercial Break
28 - The Chairman
29 - Ray McAnally obituary
30 - A Kick in the Teeth for Conservationists
31 - Puttnam on the Press, Politics and the White Paper
32 - These Clouded Hills
33 - Address to Soviet filmmakers
34 - Comment by David Puttnam.
35 - British Cinema
36 - We are More Than What We Consume
37 - Review by David Puttnam
38 - Article written by David Puttnam
39 - Alan Sapper retires
40 - Article by David Puttnam
41 - European Cinema : Motion
42 - Article for The National Film and Television School
43 - Sunset or Dawn?
44 - For Whom the Bell Tolls
45 - How to Put Us Back in the Picture
46 - The 'Television Without Frontiers' Directive
47 - Speaking to Others
48 - Living in a World of Virtual Reality
49 - Audiovisuality
50 - Article for Cara magazine
51 - Art and Science Must Unite Behind the Screen
52 - Interview with Sir David Puttnam
53 - Opinion piece for Gardens Illustrated
54 - Piece for the Wall Street Journal
55 - Film Policy Suggested Next Steps
56 - Crime, Lives and Videotape
57 - Piece for Index by Sir David Puttnam
58 - David Puttnam revised piece for Daily Mirror
59 - The Interactive Revolution - Sir David Puttnam's challenge
60 - No Longer Dead to Me - working with schoolchildren in the performing and creative arts.
61 - Article for the Sunday Times
62 - What William Morris Means to Me
63 - Britain Can Be The Best - Give Young Talent Support They Deserve
64 - Piece for The Evening Standard
65 - Where Else Can We Dream?
66 - The Demands on The New Arts Manager
67 - No title
68 - Foreword for John Thomson : Photographer
69 - Article for The Sun newspaper
70 - The Plan for Europe
71 - A vision for film
72 - Let's Look forward to a Bilingual Society
73 - Puttnam : A Lesson in Positive Thinking
74 - London : Capital Loss or Capital Gain
75 - Backing into the Future
76 - Sunday Times - The Culture Forum
77 - British Film Industry
78 - One Day in the Life of World Cinema
79 - Playing to our Strengths
80 - Foreword for Whitsunday's Child
81 - Comment for the Guardian Arts Page
82 - Film-maker's Plea to the Chancellor
83 - Proposed introduction for David Puttnam's article in Force Magazine
84 - Piece for the Daily Mirror
85 - Educational Films will Flood Britain
86 - Article for The Evening Standard
87 - Speaking to Others
88 - Introduction to the First Bradford Film Festival
89 - History of the Labour Party
90 - For the Sake of the Children
91 - Draft Introduction for Cinema 100 'Projections'
92 - Text for Dinard Film Festival
93 - Euroimages News -
94 - A Note on the TV Directive
95 - No title
96 - We need our own Hollywood
97 - Information in the Living Society
98 - Citizens of the Information Society
99 - Towards a New Age of Professionalism in the Arts
100 - Here's to You, Mr Robinson
101 - Article
102 - On the Learning Curve
103 - Education and the Arts : Vital Partners for the Future
104 - Essay for Master of the Wired World (An FT Management Book)
105 - New Jobs for a Creative Age
106 - The Future of Public Service Broadcasting in a Digital Age
107 - Survival Skills for the 21st Century
108 - Article for NUT magazine
109 - The Utopian Papers
110 - Sustainable Cities
111 - Lord Puttnam on Terence Donovan
112 - The People's Choice : Social Cohesion and Colleges
113 - Foreword to Portraits of a Changing Britain
114 - Article for World's Greatest Brands 2025
115 - Antiquity at the Touch of a Finger
116 - Time for Local Heroes
117 - Rewards for Social Heroes
118 - Article for Political Quarterly
119 - The Creative Producer
120 - A Place to Learn, A Refuge and a Home
121 - Foreword for Marilyn Leask book
122 - Behind the Boom
123 - Discourso de Aceptacion del Premio Brajnovic Lord Puttnam of Queensgate, CBE
124 - Is Labour encouraging a Plebian Culure?
125 - Try and Keep Up
126 - Education and Innovation - A Formula for Business Success
127 - The Dangers of Anti-Darwinism
128 - Skills for Life
129 - Christianity and the Arts
130 - Welcome to London
131 - Proposed article for The Times
132 - Curriculum Online
133 - English Heritage
134 - An Amalgam of Two Cultures
135 - Reining in the Barons
136 - It's Time our Schools Learned the Lessons of Hollywood
137 - Article for The Spectator magazine
138 - City Culture
139 - Colin Millward obituary
140 - Piece about Lord Puttnam's father
141 - Great Lives - Michael Collins
142 - Ofcom Review of Public Service Broadcasting
143 - For Fresh Start between Legislatures and the People
144 - Excerpt from Article 19 Lecture
145 - Change is Progess - Except When it Happens to Us
146 - Message for the Institute of Public Relations in Newcastle
147 - Movie Memories
148 - British Council - Connecting News from North India
149 - Quote for Anti-Bullying Alliance
150 - Note to Gowers Review Team from Lord Puttnam of Queensgate, CBE.
151 - Article for House Magazine by Lord (David) Puttnam
152 - Article for The Tribune
153 - Lord Puttnam endorsement for The Digital Directory
154 - We Should Start the Reform of Parliament Now
155 - Foreword to Paddy Masefield book 'Strength'
156 - An Open Letter to Geoff Hoon
157 - Submission to the House of Lords Select Committee on the BBC - Lord Puttnam of Queensgate. CBE.
158 - Time to Raise our Game : A Challenge to the North East
159 - A Long Hot Summer
160 - Local Heroism Letters to the Editor - The Observer
161 - West Side Story - The Times
162 - Foreword to Craft Guild Mark Exhibition
163 - Q & A for The Sunday Times News Review
164 - We can't ignore the link between violent films and bullying
165 - Life Through the Lens
166 - Foreword for Unlimited Learning Computer and Video Games in the Learning Landscape
167 - Article for The Teacher
168 - Introduction to Management and Creativity
169 - Falling Interest Rates
170 - Lord Puttnam's endorsement for Hull City's bid for the government's Digital Challenge
171 - A Shocking Silence
172 - David Puttnam exclusive - I don't want to be BBC chairman
173 - Article for Education Guardian
174 - Article for The New Statesman
175 - Article for The Observer Film Magazine
176 - On Continued Professional Development
177 - How to Rebuild Public Trust in the Media
178 - Look to The Stars
179 - A Reminder that You are Doing Brilliantly
180 - Things I Learned from my Father
181 - Guardian Opinion Piece
182 - The Full Picture
183 - Nokia and the Education Market
184 - DMA Awards 2009
185 - Letter of support for Hilary Beauchamp.
186 - Opinion Piece on Public Service Broadcasting in the UK
187 - Piece for The Art Quarterly
188 - My First Job
189 - Article for Activ Teacher
190 - Why Make Do and Mend is No Longer Enough
191 - Back to the Wilderness
192 - We Are the People We've Been Waiting For
193 - Use Betting to Back the Arts
194 - Time to Capitalise on the Benefits of Digital Learning
195 - Duty of Media 'To inform rather than inflame'
196 - Ireland needs to Re-discover Passion for Education
197 - Puttnam's Prescription : Education, Education, Education
198 - Puttnam says he would have resigned over licence fee deal
199 - Brexit would be a disaster for Ireland and UK
200 - Enriching the community
201 - Training who needs it?
202 - Article for The Guardian re tax breaks - Sir David Puttnam CBE
203 - British at odds on landmine ban
204 - Foreword by Sir David Puttnam, CBE to The Commercials Book
205 - The continuing need to advance the public interest
206 - David Puttnam on how he discovered classical music
207 - Notes for The Guardian Lunch
208 - The Audio-Visual Industries in the UK Economy
209 - Discussion transcript
210 - The City and It's People
211 - Education, Technology and Culture by Sir David Puttnam
212 - Piece for 'Reinventing the City' by Sir David Puttnam, CBE
213 - Article for The Guardian
214 - Citation for Lennart Nilsson
215 - Assessment of Charles Laughton
216 - Peter Noble - an appreciation
217 - Cultural Collateral
218 - Article for Achieve More - Lord Puttnam, CBE
219 - Statement from David Puttnam for the Cinema and Architecture Symposium
220 - Don't Knock Citizen Branson, he's right about Sky.
221 - Article for Johnston Press by Lord Puttnam, Chair of the Hansard Society Commission 'Parliament in the Public Eye'
222 - Article for Guardian Blog re BBC White Paper - Lord Puttnam
223 - Has Hollywood stolen our history? David Puttnam
224 - Towards a World University Network
225 - Expanding the Focus of the Audiovisual Spectrum
226 - Sir David Puttnam CBE Chairman Enigma Productions Limited
227 - South Bank seminar on the 'Discovery' Building Sir David Puttnam, CBE.
228 - Society of Authors
229 - Creativity and commercialism
230 - Building Communities through digital/local television
2 - BBC
3 - Day Files
Expand 4 - Diaries4 - Diaries
Expand 5 - Honours5 - Honours
Expand 6 - House of Lords6 - House of Lords
Expand 7 - Interviews7 - Interviews
8 - Letters and Correspondence
9 - Education/Teaching
10 - Patronages
11 - Personal and memorabilia
Expand 12 - General Press cuttings12 - General Press cuttings
Expand 13 - Lectures/Speeches13 - Lectures/Speeches
14 - Visits