Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse DP - Lord Puttnam CollectionDP - Lord Puttnam Collection
Expand 1 - Author and critic1 - Author and critic
2 - BBC
3 - Day Files
Expand 4 - Diaries4 - Diaries
Expand 5 - Honours5 - Honours
Expand 6 - House of Lords6 - House of Lords
Expand 7 - Interviews7 - Interviews
8 - Letters and Correspondence
9 - Education/Teaching
10 - Patronages
11 - Personal and memorabilia
Expand 12 - General Press cuttings12 - General Press cuttings
Collapse 13 - Lectures/Speeches13 - Lectures/Speeches
Expand 1 - Speeches 19881 - Speeches 1988
Expand 2 - Speeches 19892 - Speeches 1989
Expand 3 - Speeches 19903 - Speeches 1990
Expand 4 - Speeches 19924 - Speeches 1992
Expand 5 - Speeches 19935 - Speeches 1993
Expand 6 - Speeches 19946 - Speeches 1994
Expand 7 - Speeches 19957 - Speeches 1995
Expand 8 - Speeches 19968 - Speeches 1996
Expand 9 - Speeches 19979 - Speeches 1997
Collapse 10 - Speeches 199810 - Speeches 1998
1 - Launch of UK Net Year
2 - PITCOM Meeting on Learning and IT
3 - The Undeclared War - The Struggle for Control of the World's Film Industry - A Northern Bank Lecture.
4 - BAFTA Interactive Entertainment Awards - Press Launch
5 - As Moderator of is the Information Age the American Age?
6 - The Colston Research Society
7 - Launch of the Carl Foreman Award for the Most Promising Newcomer in British Film
8 - The Film Trade War
9 - Keynote Address Research Machines Secondary Seminar on Improving Schools with ICT
10 - Bristol Society
11 - Arts Count Don't They!
12 - The 1998 Livery Lecture
13 - House of Lords debate on the Arts
14 - The Undeclared War
15 - Launch of Going to Town by the Council for the Protection of Rural England
16 - Tomorrow's College - A National Lecture Series
17 - BT Conference
18 - UNESCO Intergovernmental Conference on Cultural Policies for Development
19 - Association of Teachers and Lecturers Annual Dinner
20 - National Association for the Teaching of English 1998 Conference
21 - The Universal vs Local Culture : Is America a Cultural Threat?
22 - RTS Educational Television Awards
23 - The Information Society
24 - Installation as Chancellor of The University of Sunderland
25 - Partnerships as Drivers for Change
26 - Skills and Enterprise Forum
27 - Association of British Orchestras
28 - The Learning Challenge for the Nation
29 - Intervarsity Multimedia Competition
30 - Social and Spiritual Regeneration New Challenges for the Millennium: The Newcastle Conference
31 - Antidote Conference on Quality Circle Time
32 - The Creative Economy and the Role of Teachers Within that Economy
33 - University for Industry Pilot
34 - Young Meteors - British Videojournalism 1957-1965
35 - Academic Awards Ceremony University of Sunderland
36 - Honorary Degree University of Kent
37 - Creating the Future - A Paper for Discussion
38 - Young Fabian Conference
39 - Young Foresight Dinner
40 - Cornel Lucas Seminar at BAFTA
41 - New Visions for Museums in the 21st Century
42 - Young Engineers for Britain Award Ceremony
43 - Young Presidents Organisation Dinner
44 - The 1998 Sir Harry Brittain Memorial Lecture
45 - The Global Village - A View from the Rooftops
46 - Creative Futures
47 - European Commission, DGIV.
48 - Open University Breakfast Briefing at the Labour Party Conference
49 - Understanding Industry 21st Anniversary Event
50 - Morality, Freedom and Responsibility in the Learning Society of the 21st Century
51 - A Child's Grief - Someone has Died Conference
52 - Electronic Commerce 98
53 - Speech to London School of Economics
54 - Installation Dinner of The Guild of Management Consultants
55 - Launch of Behind the Scenes at the RSC
56 - Speech to Phoenix School Prize Giving
57 - 'No Place for Heroes'
58 - BAFTA Interactive Entertainment Awards
59 - Textile Institute Parliamentary Lunch
60 - 'Brighton Rock' Celebration
61 - An Evening Celebrating Alan Parker's Lifetime Achievement Award
62 - Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education
63 - North Westminster Community School Prize Giving
64 - Lloyds TSB Manager Governor Conference
65 - The Film Trade War
66 - Press launch of 'Your Turn'
67 - Learning, Leadership and Liberty in the Digital Society
68 - European League of Institute of the Arts (ELIA)
69 - Community in an Era of Globalisation
70 - Skillset Qualification Awards Ceremony
71 - Skillset Qualification Awards Ceremony
72 - European Audio-Visual Conference
73 - Speaking notes for DfEE Leadership Seminar
74 - Opening of New Buildings at Lochinver House School
75 - Feature Films : Lottery Funding
76 - EURIM Education and Training Working Party
Expand 11 - Speeches 199911 - Speeches 1999
Expand 12 - Speeches 200012 - Speeches 2000
Expand 13 - Speeches 200113 - Speeches 2001
Expand 14 - Speeches 2002/200314 - Speeches 2002/2003
Expand 15 - Speeches - No date15 - Speeches - No date
Expand 16 - Labour Party Speeches and Miscellaneous Documents16 - Labour Party Speeches and Miscellaneous Documents
Expand 17 - Miscellaneous Bon Mots and information for speeches17 - Miscellaneous Bon Mots and information for speeches
Expand 18 - Speeches 200418 - Speeches 2004
Expand 19 - Speeches 200519 - Speeches 2005
Expand 20 20
Expand 2121
14 - Visits