Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse DP - Lord Puttnam CollectionDP - Lord Puttnam Collection
Expand 1 - Author and critic1 - Author and critic
2 - BBC
3 - Day Files
Expand 4 - Diaries4 - Diaries
Expand 5 - Honours5 - Honours
Expand 6 - House of Lords6 - House of Lords
Expand 7 - Interviews7 - Interviews
8 - Letters and Correspondence
9 - Education/Teaching
10 - Patronages
11 - Personal and memorabilia
Expand 12 - General Press cuttings12 - General Press cuttings
Collapse 13 - Lectures/Speeches13 - Lectures/Speeches
Expand 1 - Speeches 19881 - Speeches 1988
Expand 2 - Speeches 19892 - Speeches 1989
Expand 3 - Speeches 19903 - Speeches 1990
Expand 4 - Speeches 19924 - Speeches 1992
Expand 5 - Speeches 19935 - Speeches 1993
Expand 6 - Speeches 19946 - Speeches 1994
Expand 7 - Speeches 19957 - Speeches 1995
Expand 8 - Speeches 19968 - Speeches 1996
Expand 9 - Speeches 19979 - Speeches 1997
Expand 10 - Speeches 199810 - Speeches 1998
Collapse 11 - Speeches 199911 - Speeches 1999
1 - North of England Education Conference
2 - The Creative Industries and the Role of Universities
3 - Honorary Degree of Doctor of Letters at London Guildhall University
4 - The 1999 Leonard Cheshire Lecture - Inclusion or Exclusion - Disable People in Britain Tomorrow
5 - The London Goodenough Trust for Overseas Graduates
6 - Speech Davos
7 - Brighton Rock Celebration
8 - Society of Bookmen Dinner
9 - Northern Ireland Film Commission/Skillset Reception
10 - NESTA Seminar
11 - NESTA Seminar
12 - The Misinformed Society?
13 - The Future of Public Service Broadcasting
14 - NESTA Seminar
15 - NESTA Seminar
16 - The Technology Colleges Trust
17 - Making a Difference Merthyr Tydfil Branch NAHT
18 - Archibishop Tenison's School
19 - Sins of Commission
20 - The Opening of the David Lean Room
21 - Speech to Bungay School
22 - Opening of the Verulamium Museum Extension
23 - Computers in Art & Design Conference (CADE 99)
24 - School of Media and Communication Arts, Lincoln University
25 - BBC Symposium - Serving the Community - The BBC's Values Beyond Programmes
26 - Speech to House of Lords
27 - Secondary Heads Association
28 - Debate of the Age @ LSE
29 - Award of NRA Certificates at Islington Green School
30 - Opening of Shoreditch Arts and Media Centre
31 - An Uninformed Society?
32 - A speech to The Godolphin and Latymer School
33 - Honorary Degree from Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
34 - Foundations Forum
35 - Equity Annual Representative Conference
36 - The Film Trade War
37 - The Inaugural Angus Millar Lecture
38 - European Identity and Democracy in the Digital Era
39 - IT Skills Partnerships for the Information Society The IMIS President's Lecture
40 - Launch for a Netful of Jewels : New Museums in the Learning Age
41 - Official Opening of the Royal Society's New Frontiers in Science Exhibition
42 - The Association of Arts Fundraisers
43 - City and Guilds Association Annual Dinner
44 - Sunderland Partnership Telematics Strategy
45 - The Uninformed Society
46 - The Most Important People in Britain
47 - National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA)
48 - 1999 Young Electronic Designers Awards
49 - Speech at Ursuline Convent
50 - Re: Vision IT Skills Partnerships for the Information Society
51 - IT Skills to the Society of Education Officers
52 - Raising the Roof Series
53 - Eltham College Speech Day
54 - University of Sunderland Degree Ceremony
55 - University of Sunderland Degree Ceremony
56 - 1999 Teaching Award Finals
57 - University of Sunderland Degree Ceremony
58 - University of Sunderland Degree Ceremony
59 - Cineposium '99
60 - Bullet Poiints - BAFTA Interactive Learning
61 - British Council and BBC World Service
62 - SEA Write Award Dinner
63 - Creativity and Education
64 - 21st Century Trust Conference : Globalization : Challenges and Discontents
65 - The Creative Summit
66 - British Council Screening of My Life So Far
67 - Launch of the Skills Investment Fund
68 - Opening Remarks at Science Today - Delivering the Future?
69 - Creativity and Convergence : the Moving Image Industry in the 21st Century
70 - Durham Churches Together
71 - Speech to Lord Lawson of Beamish School
72 - The Uninformed Society - the 1999 Sir Douglas Glover Lecture
73 - Speaking notes for visit to Derek Wyatt MP's constituency.
74 - Film Finance Forum Lunch
75 - Creativity and Education
76 - Speech notes for BAFTA Interactive Entertainment Awards
77 - Speech to the 125 Society Dinner British Red Cross
78 - Discourse to the Royal Institution
79 - The Film Trade War
80 - Speech at the East India Company 'Millennium Breakfast'
81 - Speech at Sandford St. Martin Trust Religious Television Awards 1999
82 - Screen literacy and cultural morality in the digital era - the 1999 Grierson Lecture
83 - What has the BBC ever done for you?
84 - Facing the Future
85 - Speech to The Communications Group
86 - Historic Cinemas
87 - Skillset/Michael Samuelson Awards Ceremony
88 - Historic Cinemas
89 - Lecture on acceptance of the Brajnovic awards
Expand 12 - Speeches 200012 - Speeches 2000
Expand 13 - Speeches 200113 - Speeches 2001
Expand 14 - Speeches 2002/200314 - Speeches 2002/2003
Expand 15 - Speeches - No date15 - Speeches - No date
Expand 16 - Labour Party Speeches and Miscellaneous Documents16 - Labour Party Speeches and Miscellaneous Documents
Expand 17 - Miscellaneous Bon Mots and information for speeches17 - Miscellaneous Bon Mots and information for speeches
Expand 18 - Speeches 200418 - Speeches 2004
Expand 19 - Speeches 200519 - Speeches 2005
Expand 20 20
Expand 2121
14 - Visits