Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse DP - Lord Puttnam CollectionDP - Lord Puttnam Collection
Expand 1 - Author and critic1 - Author and critic
2 - BBC
3 - Day Files
Expand 4 - Diaries4 - Diaries
Expand 5 - Honours5 - Honours
Expand 6 - House of Lords6 - House of Lords
Expand 7 - Interviews7 - Interviews
8 - Letters and Correspondence
9 - Education/Teaching
10 - Patronages
11 - Personal and memorabilia
Expand 12 - General Press cuttings12 - General Press cuttings
Collapse 13 - Lectures/Speeches13 - Lectures/Speeches
Expand 1 - Speeches 19881 - Speeches 1988
Expand 2 - Speeches 19892 - Speeches 1989
Expand 3 - Speeches 19903 - Speeches 1990
Expand 4 - Speeches 19924 - Speeches 1992
Expand 5 - Speeches 19935 - Speeches 1993
Expand 6 - Speeches 19946 - Speeches 1994
Expand 7 - Speeches 19957 - Speeches 1995
Expand 8 - Speeches 19968 - Speeches 1996
Expand 9 - Speeches 19979 - Speeches 1997
Expand 10 - Speeches 199810 - Speeches 1998
Expand 11 - Speeches 199911 - Speeches 1999
Collapse 12 - Speeches 200012 - Speeches 2000
1 - Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE
2 - Speech by Lord Putttnam CBE Second Reading of Learning and Skills Bill
3 - Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE
4 - Literacy in the Twenty First Century (Delivery Version)
5 - Speech in House of Lords by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE
6 - House of Lords debate. To call attention to the importance of teachers
7 - Facing the Future Lecture by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE
8 - Working dinner - what is family? Lord Puttnam CBE.
9 - Hollywood or Bollywood: the future of cinema? Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE.
10 - Barney Cancer Care Gala Evening - Speech and Prize Giving by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE
11 - Speech at HTI Conference by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE
12 - To call attention to changes in employment patterns in the UK and to move for papers by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE
13 - Audio-Visual industries in the 21st Century by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE.
14 - Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE at RNIB Talking Images Launch
15 - Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE. Teacher development and school improvement Westminister seminar.
16 - Opening statement by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE at From optimism to pessimism: the public perception of science from the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries.
17 - Speech to University of Sunderland honorary graduates by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE.
18 - Moving picture industry in the 21st century
19 - The role of sport in schools.
20 - Introduction to film screening by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE
21 - Welcome, and introduction to Alan Parker, CBE speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE.
22 - Facing the future by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE
23 - A speech to students at Camberwell College of Art by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE
24 - Facing the future
25 - Opening of new hall and learning centre William Ellis School
26 - Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate at a reception hosted by University of Bradford
27 - Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE to Eltham Townswoman's Guild
28 - Introduction to Session on Technology change - The Film Industry in Britain and France: Strategies for Success by Lord Puttnam CBE
29 - Speech at MK2020 Conference in Milton Keynes by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE.
30 - Film, Television and Digital Media in the 21st Century. Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE
31 - The Culture of Creativity. Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE.
32 - Facing the Future.
33 - Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE
34 - General Teaching Council "Lines to take"
35 - CSSA Annual Conference
36 - Opening Address to Fis
37 - A Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE
38 - Facing the Future
39 - Facing the Future
40 - Speech to the British Marshall Scholars' Annual Dinner
41 - Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE
42 - On the Occasion of Receiving an Honorary Degree from Richmond American International University London
43 - Amazing People NESTA Launch
44 - Screen literacy and cultural morality in the digital era - Cambridge Union
45 - Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate, CBE to Anglia Multimedia Professional Development Conference
46 - Facing the Future
47 - Stress and teaching
48 - National Assocation of Head Teachers
49 - Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE
50 - Sounding off -2 Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE
51 - Opening of cinema and recording studio. Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE.
52 - Amazing children.
53 - Films, television and computers - what will the future bring?
54 - Speech to the Yorkshire International Business Convention by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE.
55 - North of England Teaching Awards Regional Ceremony Closing Remarks by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE
56 - Northern Ireland Teaching Awards Regional Ceremony closing remarks by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE.
57 - Speech at Solefield School by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE.
58 - South East of England Teaching Awards Regional Ceremony. Closing Remarks by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE.
59 - Bullet Points for 20:20 Vision conference by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE.
60 - Creative Industries - New perspectives for a new century.
61 - Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE.
62 - Creative Industries - New perspectives for a new Century.
63 - Opening of New Expressive Arts building
64 - Opening of new building. Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE.
65 - Launch of the Year of the Artist
66 - On the occasion of receiving an honorary degree from the University of Nottingham. A speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE.
67 - Opening statement by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE at Club of Three plenary meeting Spencer House. Globalisation - The Political Backlash.
68 - Speech to graduates by the Chancellor Lord Puttnam Sunderland University
69 - Senior School Speech Day A speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE
70 - Opening of the New Independant Learning Centre. Bullet points by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE
71 - Speech at IPPR Digital Learning Event by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate, CBE
72 - The creative industries - reassessing the challenge. A speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE.
73 - Speech to graduates by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE, Forum for the future.
74 - Speech at informal launch of the General Teaching Council
75 - Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE
76 - Bullet points for Progress Conference by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE.
77 - General Teaching Council - Informal Launch - A Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE
78 - Speech by Lord Puttnam for the launch of the Dingle Granby Toxteth mini launch
79 - A Speech by Lord Puttnam. For the Launch of the General Teaching Council.
80 - A Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE. Learning from Success Conference
81 - Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE Education and Training - Investing for a Global Economy
82 - Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate - For the Design Week Dinner
83 - Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE, Essex Secondary Headteachers Conference
84 - The Challenges for Education
85 - Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE, For the GTC Roadshow
86 - Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE for Education Extra
87 - Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate for the GTC Roadshow Middlesbrough
88 - Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queesgate CBE, Introduction to the UK- China Forum
89 - Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE, Lord Puttnam's Opening Remarks for the Bernarr Rainbow Lecture
90 - Creative Britain D Group Lunch
91 - Welcoming Notes for the Bafta Interactive Awards Ceremony by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE
92 - Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate, CBE to the DTI Conference on the CSET Report
93 - Speech by Lord Puttnam, CBE, London College of Fashion: Millennium Conference - Visioning The Future
94 - The Medway Education Lecture by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE. Education and Training- Investing for a Global Economy
95 - Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE, for the prizegiving evening at Graveney Upper School
96 - Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE, Trainee Secondary School Teachers, Education and Training - Investing for a Global Economy
97 - Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE, Lecture on New Wave Cinema to Film Students.
98 - Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate to the Irsh Film Institute.
99 - Speech by Lord Puttnam CBE to the ITC & National Consumer Council Putting Consumers First
100 - Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE
101 - Bullet Points for Lord Puttnam of Queensgate
102 - Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE to graduates at Sunderland University
103 - Dome Debate Speech by Lord Puttnam CBE
104 - Speech by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE on receiving an Honorary Degree from The City University
105 - The Revolution to Come : Teachers, Teaching and ICT by Lord Puttnam of Queensgate, CBE
Expand 13 - Speeches 200113 - Speeches 2001
Expand 14 - Speeches 2002/200314 - Speeches 2002/2003
Expand 15 - Speeches - No date15 - Speeches - No date
Expand 16 - Labour Party Speeches and Miscellaneous Documents16 - Labour Party Speeches and Miscellaneous Documents
Expand 17 - Miscellaneous Bon Mots and information for speeches17 - Miscellaneous Bon Mots and information for speeches
Expand 18 - Speeches 200418 - Speeches 2004
Expand 19 - Speeches 200519 - Speeches 2005
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14 - Visits